A message to our community from
CEO, Sarah Haacke Byrd
Dear friends,
As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we honor the contributions of extraordinary women who have shaped our world. Their resilience, strength, and vision have paved the way for progress. This month also serves as a timely reminder of the power of collective action, reflecting on the countless women who have fought for justice, equity, and change—often against overwhelming odds.
Since our founding 17 years ago, Women Moving Millions (WMM) has demonstrated the transformative power of collective leadership, mobilizing over $1 billion for gender equity globally. Time and again, during periods of uncertainty and upheaval, we have sought strength and resolve from community.
Today, we face unprecedented challenges. Our mission to build a gender-equal world where all who identify as women have full autonomy, freedom, and agency is under siege. No democracy can survive without a strong, vibrant civil society and the rule of law. Yet, today, we are witnessing with breathtaking speed an assault on these very sectors. The worst may be yet to come, and WMM is ready.
WMM is made for this moment. The sheer scale of the challenges before us are too great for any individual philanthropist or sector to tackle alone, but through community, we are exponentially stronger and more formidable. This strength derived from community—leaning on each other, listening, advising, and collaborating—will provide the fuel needed to take bold action in the weeks and months ahead.
We will remain unwavering in our commitment to fight for a future where gender equality isn’t just a dream—it’s a reality we are actively building, together. This means holding tight to our values and vision, working relentlessly, unapologetically, and collaboratively to realize this dream.
As the most powerful driver of social change, we must continue to invest in women’s leadership to build the gender-equal future we are working towards.
What We Ask of You:
- Ensure Flexibility: Keep your philanthropic strategies flexible and responsive to emerging needs.
Apply Trust-Based Philanthropy: Embrace trust-based philanthropic approaches of listening, communication, and responsiveness.
Share Resources & Knowledge: Share your social capital, expertise, resources, tools, and more.
- Support Exponential Change: Push yourself to think big and bold in support of transformative change.
- Practice Self-Care: Know this is a marathon, not a sprint. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others.
I was reminded recently by one global partner that hope is an act of courage. Despite what will undoubtedly be a prolonged period of challenge, I invite you to fight for hope and to hold onto our collective vision of an abundant future anchored in possibility and promise for all.
Thank you for your leadership, dedication, and partnership.
With gratitude,
Sarah Haacke Byrd
CEO, Women Moving Millions