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Lisa Valone | Wayland, MA

Tell us about yourself and your philanthropy journey. What drives your giving and leadership?

As a child, our family had the opportunity to live and travel overseas and the contrasts between different cultures made me stridently aware of the imbalances that occur due to the luck of the geographic location and circumstances into which we are born. This ingrained in me a desire to give back and pay it forward when I was very young. Additionally, gender inequity has been apparent to me from an early age, primarily through education and then of course in the workplace. In high school, I was one of the few females in AP calculus and science courses. In college, the same disparities were prevalent. And as a student at Harvard Business School, the imbalance was just as acute. In all of these situations, the stereotypical manner in which men interacted was always valued and rewarded over the stereotypical style of women.

After many years in the non-profit world both as a paid employee and volunteer in various roles from hands-on to board seats, I now have the privilege of focusing my time on being a thoughtful and educated philanthropist.  

What inspired you to make a #GetEqual commitment? What do you say to others who are considering a bold investment in women and girls?

I am constantly looking for ways to expand my understanding and breadth of compassion. In recent years, I have been searching for a community that understands my philanthropic priorities, provides comradery, and is a sounding board for my own journey as well as intellectual stimulation to help broaden my thinking. As part of this search, I came to better understand the gender inequities in philanthropy and the lack of dollars dedicated to women’s causes. Women Moving Millions has been an integral part of my journey and the #GetEqual commitment aligns with my priorities for giving.

How will this bold investment help us realize a gender equal world? What impact do you hope to have? 

There is strength in numbers. Being a part of WMM amplifies our voices and showcases our goals of creating a gender equal world and rectifying gender inequities in philanthropic giving. The mere fact that this organization exists and brings together many powerful, passionate, generous, creative, and supportive women strengthens our voices and moves us closer to achieving our goals. Being part of this audacious group of women has broadened my knowledge, introduced me to incredible people in various stages of their own philanthropic journey, and provided me with many opportunities to expand my impact on making this world a better, safer, more just, and healthier place for women and girls.

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